Our Mission & Impact
The 614 for Linden is a collaborative of community development financial institutions (CDFIs) and nonprofits that seek to implement 4 of the Big Ideas identified in the City of Columbus’ One Linden Plan. The goal of the initiative is to build upon the work of One Linden to create an equitable, opportunity-rich neighborhood for existing residents of Linden.
To achieve this goal, the initiative seeks to comprehensively invest in Linden as a means to catalyze additional investment to preserve and increase affordable housing and commercial development, provide access to technical assistance and capital for local small businesses, increase healthy food access and offer health services to area residents.
The Neighborhood
Linden is a legacy neighborhood located on the northeast side of Columbus, Ohio. The community has multi-faceted challenges and untapped possibilities. As Columbus continues to grow, strategic interventions will be required to ensure that the city’s prosperity is also shared by Linden residents. The 614 is targeting the same area outlined in the One Linden Plan (right). Additional strategic activities will take place outside of this boundary but are still within the Linden neighborhood.
Map credit: Columbus’ One Linden Plan
PRO Neighborhoods Awardee
In 2019, The 614 for Linden was awarded a $5 million grant from JPMorgan Chase’s Partnerships for Raising Opportunity in Neighborhoods (PRO Neighborhoods) program. PRO Neighborhoods works with collaborating CDFIs and awards them capital grants of up to $5 million over three years to invest in communities through targeted financing initiatives. Columbus is one of only seven winners in the 2019 national PRO Neighborhoods competition.
PRO Neighborhoods Funding Allocation
The 614’s $5 million grant from the JPMorgan Chase PRO Neighborhoods program will be allocated for use in the Linden community over three years. The graph illustrates how those funds are expected to be distributed.