The 614 for Linden represents a $25 million investment into the Linden neighborhood. The Collaborative seeks to comprehensively invest in Linden as a means to catalyze additional investment. In 2019, The 614 for Linden was awarded a three-year, $5 million grant from JPMorgan Chase’s Partnerships for Raising Opportunity in Neighborhoods (PRO Neighborhoods) program. A summary of the goals and metrics outlined in the application follows.

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Stabilize & Expand Housing Options

Stable housing is foundational to community success; The 614 places a substantial focus on affordable housing and rapid rehousing programming.


  • Develop a Linden housing loan pool of approximately $20 Million to finance the acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or construction of affordable housing units

  • Target loan funds to preserve or create approximately 500 affordable housing units for individuals and families who earn less than 80% of the area’s median income

  • Provide rapid rehousing services for up to 200 individuals experiencing or near homelessness

Develop Business & Support Entrepreneurs

Living-wage employment opportunities and locally-accessible services and amenities are critical ingredients to a thriving neighborhood.


  • Offer consulting, technical assistance, and other resources to 80 small businesses, including providing 45 microloans to local entrepreneurs starting or expanding an operation

  • Create around 100 full-time jobs, as a result of neighborhood investment and new businesses


Build Community Investment

Concerted investment efforts are integral for creating an opportunity-rich neighborhood for existing Linden residents.


  • Develop two commercial facilities and one community facility that spurs additional neighborhood investment

Support Resident Health

Healthy food access and improvements to health outcomes are high priorities for Linden.


  • Focus on “wraparound” health services, particularly prenatal and maternal programs

  • Provide funds to create or attract one or more businesses to provide healthy food access

The 614’s $5 million grant from the JPMorgan Chase’s PRO Neighborhoods program will be allocated for use in the Linden community over three years.
